The nomination of a location for recognition as a National/Regional Surfing Reserve should include the following:
1. Who is nominating, and if they represent an organisation (e.g. boardriders club, etc)
2. Contact details: phone and email
3. Location being nominated
4. Why it deserves to become an N/RSR. This should be supported by evidence including:
- maps and photographs of the location
- photographs of the surf/surfing
- history of its use for surfing past and present
- events held at location
- nature of the local environment
- support from the local Traditional Owners/Land Council
- list of supporters for the reserve (you need to show strong community support) both
individual and organisation, this can include letters of support, including
from local council, State and Federal MPs.
Note: Most nominations run to a few pages. If successful, much of the material can be used in the associated booklet about the site.
Nominations should be emailed to:
The NSR Board will review the nomination and inform you of the outcome, and whether it has been accepted as a National or Regional Surfing Reserve.
We wish you all the best with your nomination!