There are a number of steps in the initial nomination process for both National and Regional Surfing Reserves.
These include;
1. An initial inquiry via email to (e)
2. Upon acceptance, submitting a formal application (see point 1 below)
3. If accepted, NSR will appoint a ‘buddy’ from the NSR Board, to provide advice and support
4. Formation of a local steering committee to oversee the dedication process
5. Commencement of planning for dedication which will involve;
- gathering local support and sponsorship
- liaising with local council
- in NSW, liaising with Crown Lands
- selecting a date for dedication (most reserves take at least a year to go from nomination to dedication)
- preparing booklet (see point 2 below)
- designing the plaque (see point 3 below)
- organising the dedication ceremony (your buddy will advise and assist when you get to this stage)
Here are some additional helpful hints and tools to assist in the process.