Nomination Process

There are a number of steps in the initial nomination process for both National and Regional Surfing Reserves.

These include;

1. An initial inquiry via email to (e)
2. Upon acceptance, submitting a formal application (see point 1 below)
3. If accepted, NSR will appoint a ‘buddy’ from the NSR Board, to provide advice and support
4. Formation of a local steering committee to oversee the dedication process
5. Commencement of planning for dedication which will involve;

  • gathering local support and sponsorship
  • liaising with local council
  • in NSW, liaising with Crown Lands
  • selecting a date for dedication (most reserves take at least a year to go from nomination to dedication)
  • preparing booklet (see point 2 below)
  • designing the plaque (see point 3 below)
  • organising the dedication ceremony (your buddy will advise and assist when you get to this stage)

Here are some additional helpful hints and tools to assist in the process.

  1. Formal Application
  2. Preparing Your National Surfing Reserve Booklet
  3. Producing Your National Surfing Reserve Plaque